Tuesday, February 15, 2011

extremely loud

On September 11th, 2001 I was in my first week at a new high school in Connecticut. I was watching the tv with everyone else that morning and I was convinced my Dad had died.

We had just moved from Boston and my Dad was still there during the weekdays for work. He was flying out that day, from Boston to Las Vegas, and the planes that had crashed into the towers were from Boston so I think we just assumed. My sister came to find me in the lunchroom and was just sobbing because we couldn't reach anyone. It was my worst day. Lots of people in my town were affected by those attacks. We couldn't leave school because no one knew what was happening and while we waited in the guidance counselor's office with the other kids trying to reach their parents, I remember thinking that I didn't know anything.

It's one of those days where everyone has their 'how I found out' memory, right? I can also remember exactly where I was when I learned Princess Diana died. (not comparable, I know, but weird.)

Anyway, I could not stop remembering how scared I was that day while I was reading this book about a 12 year old boy in New York dealing with the loss of his Dad from the attacks on 9/11. The feelings came back to me. They flooded me while I was reading this story. I know it was so long ago, but really not so long ago.

Really, this book is not all about the attacks. It's about a boy making sense of things. I recommend it without reservation.

spoiler alert
oh, and then I saw Remember Me, with Robert Pattinson, in theaters with Miranda a couple weeks ago. At the very end it shows him at a window in one of the towers and the plane is coming towards him. The entire movie is set 9 years ago in September and you don't know it until the last scene. Are they going to keep making movies like this? And books? I am not afraid to revisit this day, but it is so emotional. I probably have the most skewed memory of how long it really took to finally reach my mom on the phone, but it felt like ages. hours at least, but maybe it wasn't.

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